

Mardela Middle & High School

Mardela Middle & High School

  • Project Area: 118,993 sq ft
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): Not specified
  • Owner: Not specified
  • LOD: 400
  • Trades Covered: Plumbing, Shop Drawing, As-Built
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2021
  • Verticals: Plumbing


Challenges and Solutions:

Challenge 1: Coordination in Corridors

  • Issue:
    • Congested corridors with units, refrigerant pipes, light fixtures, and fire protection (FP) systems.
  • Solution:
    • Relocated units to adjacent rooms to clear space in corridors, resolving clashes with other trades. Changes were submitted for approval.

Challenge 2: Concurrent Modeling and Fieldwork

  • Issue:
    • Modelling, coordination, and drawing submissions overlapped with fieldwork, posing challenges for accuracy and documentation.
  • Solution:
    • Implemented a ‘Deliverable Log’ to track revisions and provide links to the latest drawings/models. Mobilised resources to ensure timely and accurate delivery of multiple deliverables to the client.

Communities In Schools Central Texas

Communities In Schools Central Texas

  • Project Area: 6085 sq ft
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): BIM SERVICES LLC
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: Plumbing, Shop Drawing, As -Built
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2021
  • Verticals: Plumbing


Challenges and Solutions

Challenge 1: Ceiling Space Constraints

  • Issue:
    • Condensate drain pipe clashed with ceiling and fire protection pipes below ceiling.
  • Solutions:
    • Drop ceiling to accommodate pipes.
    • Use a pump for condensate drain at units.
    • Reduce pipe run length by dropping pipe into nearest mop sink.

Challenge 2: Exposed Plumbing Risers in Rooms

  • Issue:
    • Plumbing risers exposed or in the middle of rooms per design.
  • Solution:
    • Coordinate and reroute plumbing pipes to conceal or relocate them appropriately.



  • Project Area:204,000 sq. ft.
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: Humble Independent School District
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: Electrical, Shop Drawing
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2019



  • Project Area: 206,681 sq. ft.
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: Humble Independent School  District
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: Electrical, Shop Drawing
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2020
BIM - Paving The Way For Sustainable Construction In Texas

Commercial / Office Building

Williston Public Safety Facility

Williston Public Safety Facility

  • Project Area: 22,561 SF
  • Architect: Smith Alvarez Sienkiewycz
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): BIM Services LLC
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD: 400
  • Trades Covered: Fire Protection, Shops
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2021
  • Verticals: Fire


Challenges and Solutions:

Challenge 1: Ceiling Space Optimization

  • Issue:
    • Limited ceiling space necessitated strategic planning for trade hierarchy and efficient utilization.
  • Solution:
    • BIM Services prioritized trades requiring access (such as cable trays, valves, dampers) closer to the ceiling, and suggested reroutes for better coordination and value engineering.

Challenge 2: Elevation of Fire Protection (FP) Pipes

  • Issue:
    • Critical elevation considerations for FP main pipes to ensure system efficiency and compliance with city regulations.
  • Solution:
    • BIM Services proposed optimal elevation and routing of FP mains, avoiding rigorous drops and offsets that could trap water and impact system approval, ensuring maximum efficiency.

The Chocolate Factory

The Chocolate Factory

  • Project Area: 263,052 sf
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
    LOD: 400
  • Trades Covered: Mechanical, Shop Drawings, Spools Coordination
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2020
  • Verticals: Mechanical


Challenges and Solutions:

Challenge 1: Support Details

  • Issue:
    • Detailed support system for mechanical pipes required precise coordination and installation.
  • Solution:
    • Implemented 3-D simulations and regular on-site visual checks to ensure accurate placement and coordination of supports, addressing the project’s meticulous requirements effectively.

Challenge 2: Simultaneous Coordination and Construction

  • Issue:
    • Coordinating as-built conditions while construction progressed on site posed challenges in tracking virtual progress versus actual construction.
  • Solution:
    • Established a rigorous schedule and clear communication protocols to manage real-time issues and resolutions. Constantly updated models and provided outputs to the site ensure smooth project execution during the final stages.

Amazon Fulfilment Center

Amazon Fulfilment Center

  • Project Area: 2.8 million-square-foot
  • Architect: Stantec Consulting Services Inc
  • Engineer: Stantec Consulting Services Inc
  • Contractor(S): GC- Whiting Turner and Dimeo Construction Company
  • Owner: Amazon
  • LOD: 500
  • Trades Covered: Electrical, As-Built, Point Cloud
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2023
  • Verticals: Electrical


Challenges and Solutions:

Challenge 1: Model Accuracy in a Large-Scale Project

  • Issue:
    • Required to create a model twin with a tolerance of just 1″ deviation across a 2.8 million square feet area.
  • Solution:
    • Utilized the ‘Cintoo’ platform to integrate field scans for accurate as-built modeling, minimizing manual errors from traditional redline markups. Used Revizto for real-time monitoring and updates to manage project scale effectively.

Challenge 2: Late Integration of MHE and Header Steel Models

  • Issue:
    • Models for Material Handling Equipment (MHE) and Header Steel were introduced late, after initial coordination and installation across four levels.
  • Solution:
    • Leveraged Revizto for live coordination, enabling immediate visibility of issues and daily updates to accommodate evolving models. Ensured efficient clash coordination considering field conditions, facilitating swift issue identification and resolution.



  • Project Area: 275,018 sq. ft.
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: WALMART
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: Plumbing, Shop Drawing
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2021
BIM - Paving The Way For Sustainable Construction In Texas

Life Sciences



  • Project Area: 221,480 sq ft
  • Contractor(S):
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: Plumbing, Shop Drawing, As -Built
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2021
  • Verticals: Plumbing


Challenges and Solutions:

Challenge 1: Transition to Design-Build Project

  • Issue:
    • Originally scoped for HVAC, Mechanical Piping (MP), and Plumbing modeling and coordination, the project faced design issues and frequent updates.
  • Solution:
    • Team provided proactive solutions after validating feasibility in the model, engaging GC, MEPF, and designers in weekly meetings. Detailed RFIs with before-and-after model snapshots were shared to enhance communication and efficiency.

Challenge 2: Facility Maintenance Considerations

  • Issue:
    • Hospital environment required careful planning for equipment and elements accessibility post-installation, including valves and dampers.
  • Solution: 
    • Added clearances to floor-mounted and ceiling-mounted equipment to facilitate maintenance access. Clash tests with other trades and architectural elements were conducted to identify and resolve issues pre-installation.
    • Scheduled periodic BIM meetings with the Facility Maintenance team to ensure compliance with city requirements and thorough quality checks before installation.



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BIM - Paving The Way For Sustainable Construction In Texas


The Modern

The Modern

  • Project Area: 511,779 sq ft
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD: 400
  • Trades Covered: Mechanical, Shop Drawings, Coordination
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2021
  • Verticals: Mechanical


Challenges and Solutions:

Challenge 1: Ceiling Space Constraints

  • Issue:
    • Coordinating mechanical ducts and plumbing (MP) within narrow ceiling spaces above residential units without compromising floor-to-ceiling height.
  • Solution:
    • Regular coordination meetings with the design team and trades facilitated timely resolutions. Quick decisions on rerouting and accurate incorporation of submissions ensured project completion on schedule. Emphasised time management and model accuracy for smooth project execution.

Challenge 2: Continuous Architectural and Structural Changes

  • Issue:
    • Managing frequent architectural and structural changes within a time-bound project posed coordination challenges.
  • Solution:
    • Rapid responses to RFIs and timely communication with field teams facilitated effective coordination. Maintaining delivery schedules and updating changes were prioritised. Dedicated team for deliverables and coordination ensured efficient handling of project updates.

Cottonwood Highland

Cottonwood Highland

  • Project Name: Cottonwood Highland
  • Description: Identical residential apartments spanning 6 levels with one basement level for parking. BIM coordination ensured consistency across all apartments.
  • Scope: Mechanical ducts, plumbing, and electrical systems.
  • General Contractor: BIG D COMPANIES
  • Architect: Studio PBA
  • Location: Millcreek

The Nest Rio Granade

The Nest Rio Granade

  • Project Area: 175,366 sq. ft.
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: SLC RDA
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: Fire Protection, Shop Drawing
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2021

Momentum Apartment

Momentum Apartment

  • Project Area:158,400 sq. ft.
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: MECHANICAL
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2020

Site Utilities

Frost Bank-Prosper

Frost Bank-Prosper

  • Project Area: 61,547 sq. ft.
  • Architect: Hahnfeld Hoffer Stanford Architects
  • Engineer: Moose Engineering
  • Contractor(S): SpawGlass
  • Owner: Frost Bank
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: Site utility(Plumbing)
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2023

Challenges and Solutions:

  • Issue:
    • Changes in Invert Level & Slope of drain pipes, to accommodate TDI connections with Drain pipes
  • Solution:
    • After completion of trade clash coordination we were given time-bound architectural changes along plumbing lines raiser changes which was a challenge to coordinate the trades all over again. A quick turnaround on the revision of the BIM model while simultaneously working on clash coordination helped. Keeping up with the design changes at the last minute and sending deliverables on time was a high task. Having a dedicated team for BIM modeling and coordination supported to speed up the completion.



  • Project Area: 900,000sq. ft
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: Facebook
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: Site utility.
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2023

Challenges and Solutions:

  • Issue:
    • Detail-oriented government’s specific norms and standards
  • Solution:
    • We produced PXP and advanced minimal matrixes to meet their scope and requirements. Along with holding the GC coordination we were working and coordinating with multi-trade contractors incorporating specific standards for each trade and then minimizing any discrepancy. We created a log for clear communication from the contractor and approval from the government simultaneously.


Universal Studios

Universal Studios


  • Project Area: 541 acre
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD: 500
  • Trades Covered: Site Electrical Utilities
  • Software: Revit Fabrication 2022
  • Verticals: Electrical

Challenges and Solutions:

Challenge 1: Coordinating area development
Solution: The sheer vastness needed to be coordinated with tones of conduits and handholds along with multiple trades was extremely challenging. With multiple elements and constant construction on site, keeping a log and tab on the changes is a humongous task. Having a thorough schedule and timeline helps keep things working in a smooth flow and deliverables sent on time. Eyes on the field and data received being incorporated on a timely basis are the keys to having successful coordination on a live site work.

Challenge 2: Modeling As-builts along with coordination
Solution: Along with the coordination of Electrical elements and conduits, the same is being installed and constructed on-site. Having to model the proposed and then revise the same to as-built with the site data is a time-consuming task. Keeping the model updated and not having duplicate data as much as possible is the goal. To achieve the same, we have segregated the proposed and As-built models to have as much of a clean slate for the inputs and constantly send the proposed data on-site for installation.





  • Project Area: 4963 Sq. ft.
  • LOD: Trades Floor Finish
  • Software: AutoCAD

41 Bank St

41 Bank St

  • Project Area: 1996.2 Sq. ft./ 2368 Sq. ft.
  • LOD: Trades Front Elevation
  • Software: AutoCAD
41 Bank st

Hubbard Powis

Hubbard Powis

  • Project Area: 1996.2 Sq. ft./ 2368 Sq. ft.
  • LOD:
  • Trades Covered: Lighting
  • Software: AutoCAD



  • Project Area: 4771.32 Sq. ft.
  • LOD:
  • Trades Covered:
  • Software: AutoCAD


Bank Daze

Bank Daze

  • Project Area:
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD:
  • Trades Covered: AS BUILT
  • Software: AutoCAD
  • Verticals: 2021
Bank Daze

Eufaula Replace Spillway Bridge

Eufaula Replace Spillway Bridge

  • Project Area:
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD:
  • Trades Covered: AS BUILT
  • Software: MicroStation
  • Verticals: 2023

3D Renderings

Classical Education Building At Hillsdale College

Classical Education Building At Hillsdale College

  • Project Area: 19662 sq. ft.
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: PERMIT DRAWING
  • Software: REVIT, AutoCAD, 3ds Max
  • Verticals: 2021

Gustin Cottage Roberts Island

Gustin Cottage Roberts Island

  • Project Area: 1276 sq. ft.
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: PERMIT DRAWING
  • Software: REVIT, AutoCAD, Lumion
  • Verticals: 2021

Construction / Permit Documentation



  • Project Area: 1276.74 sq ft
  • LOD:
  • Trades Covered:
  • Software: Revit

Mulmur House & Garage

Mulmur House & Garage

  • Project Area: 10400 sqft
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD: 400
  • Trades Covered: CONSTRUCTION SET
  • Software: REVIT
  • Verticals: 2023

Pinewood Rd Stamford Ct

Pinewood Rd Stamford Ct

  • Project Area: 4550 sqft
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: PERMIT DRAWING
  • Software: REVIT
  • Verticals: 2023

Ornelas Residence Remodel

Ornelas Residence Remodel

  • Project Area: 4200 sqft
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD:
  • Trades Covered: Architecture(PDF TO BIM)
  • Software: REVIT
  • Verticals: 2021

Shop drawings

Combined Hazardous Waste Storage

Combined Hazardous Waste Storage

  • Project Area: 22800 sqft
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: SHOP DRAWING
  • Software: REVIT
  • Verticals: 2021

VA Medical Center

VA Medical Center

  • Project Area:
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD: 400
  • Trades Covered: SHOP DRAWING
  • Software: REVIT
  • Verticals: 2021

Myo Palate

Myo Palate

  • Project Area:
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: SHOP DRAWING
  • Software: REVIT
  • Verticals: 2021

Tesla Giga Texas – Cell Phase 2 (Elevator)

Tesla Giga Texas – Cell Phase 2 (Elevator)

  • Project Area:
  • Architect: N/A
  • Engineer: N/A
  • Contractor(S): N/A
  • Owner: N/A
  • LOD: 350
  • Trades Covered: SHOP DRAWING
  • Software: REVIT
  • Verticals: 2023

About us

At BIM Services LLC, we are global experts dedicated to constructing certainty with cutting-edge BIM technology. Our comprehensive offerings include Scan to BIM services and expert 3D laser scanning services. We specialise in efficient clash coordination and BIM clash detection services, ensuring seamless project execution. As leaders in architectural BIM services, we provide top-tier 3D architectural design and drafting and differentiate between as-built drawings and shop drawings. Our effective BIM services strategy plan and construction site logistics plans streamline operations, while our expert team excels in BIM consulting and constructability review services….

Worldwide Achievements

With a track record of 1000+ successful projects spanning North America, we excel in diverse sectors such as life science, academics, commercial buildings, hotels, and more. Explore a snapshot of our achievements as leading BIM solution providers and collaborators below:

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Global Liaisons: Country-Specific Contacts


Todd Kennedy


Brad Sowell


Sunny Nanda
Business Development Manager


Alex Martin
Business Development Manager

New York

Jody Simmons
Business Development Manager